McWOP 10: The Tenth Annual Mid-Continental Workshop on Phonology


Call for Papers




Getting to Evanston

Finding McWOP

McWOP Registration

Because of the generous support of the participating departments, there will be no fee for pre-registration (before Friday October 15th). To pre-register, send an email to with the following information:

  • Your name
  • Dates you will be attending (e.g., Friday-Sunday, Friday-Saturday, Friday only)
  • Will you be driving? (for parking permits)
Please send us an email before 10/15. After this date, the registration fee will be $15. There is a possibility that nominal parking fees may be charged; however, every effort is being made to eliminate them.

Included with registration will be:

  • Party on Saturday night
  • Breakfast on Sunday

Dinner on Friday, breakfast and lunch on Saturday are on your own.
Abstracts will be available on the web only; the program will not re-print them.
